14 months later

So many updates! Let's just list off a few.

I had a baby!
Just kidding. I really didn't.
Seriously, surely you knew better.
I am writing on my brand spanking new Pixelbook.
I am back on drugs. Prozac, to be exact.
I have a boyfriend now. He is irregular in the most charming possible ways. Also in some ways that drive me insane, but he wouldn't be an irrregular if he didn't drive me insane, and you know I don't like regulars.
I was thinking of starting a new blog which is why I got this Pixelbook. But when I came to Blogger to delete all my old blogs and start a new one, I realized I actually still like this old blog so I'm going to keep it.

I realize now that the irregular numero uno is me, after all.


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